Sunday, August 26, 2007

OttawaPlantCycle's Plot

Hi again,

I am going to submit some photos to OttawaPlantCycle's blog. I havent updated for a while and plants have grown some.
This is a pic of the Orleans Community Gardens that we helped open up with help from Founder Tom Brerer (An Orleans resident whowanted to open a garden for his community). Along with The Cumberland Resourse Centre and The Community Gardens Network. We were all on the Steering Committee for a year until the Grand opening.
Here are some pictures of the gardens now and some of the pickings...
First there is a natural hedgerow around the forest/woods area so lots of berries

We are located at Tenth line and St.Joseph in Orleans...right in front of the police station.


We had some lovely plots and everyone worked hard for a good plot.

It wasthe first year and late in staring for some. With no water available yet and members lugging their own water in barrels and pails we did get some good crops.!
Lots of Tomatoes.Mostly cherry (probably that Belcourt mans toms),and some plum.




Cabbages ..and onions..

Some planted ramdomly in empty patches,

Lots of Zucchinni..

Some plots kept an eye out for the local rodenst in the garden that have been snacking on veggies for free..huh!

...And some just didnt make it. The groundhogs were laughing that day,..

not for long my friends..we shall unite here at the gardens hehe..We have real experts on hand that have LOTS of gardening tips.Its always a pleassant time.
We also have a herb patch.

Or Two

Even a hot pepper plant or two.

Of course,more tomatoes.Our food bank plot had lots

Enough that we were able to donate many....

That was our first batch.We were able to place a sign with our name on it at the food bank so people would know where the veggies came from.That was cool.
For the first year and rough grounds to start ,(we plowed and will plow again this fall and spring),we all did really well.

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