Friday, October 19, 2007

Fall Harvest

Here are some of the last veggies i picked from in the garden. Looks like the broccoli grew for me..when ya got it..ya got it..

Tiny tomatoes (cherry)

This beautiful Coleus was given away...

Apples galore were given away...this year thanks to a natural pesticide they grew without as much scab...

Even the Stevia bloomed on the left side of the house..quite nicely...its been gifted a herbalist!

Flower in detail..Hi Inge.!

Tomatoes..Tomatars...they have been shared well and used in Diane's Green Tomato Salsa recipe..thanks Diane.!

There were LOTS of Tomatoes grown at the Orleans Community Gardens we helped create this year..with Orleans Councellor Bob closing i couldnt give away enough of them..

Even his wife and kids helped to salvage green tomatoes from the upcomming frost..they are great gardeners..

We cordoned off the Beneficial it didnt get tilled with the rest of the plots..

I picked what i could..I think this is when i got this flu bug...ahh..gardening..